Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. A device is a laptop, Chromebook or tablet that students use to access the internet and to create notes and documents in digital form instead of traditional pen and paper.

BYOD means that students are expected to bring their device to every lesson. In 2020 we introduced BYOD to our Year 9 co-hort. By 2023, students in all year levels will come to school with their own devices to assist with their learning. This is called “e-learning”.

The internet is a powerful tool. The internet provides almost limitless information on just about any topic. Most New Zealanders already use their devices and the internet to gather a wide range of information and to communicate with thousands of people all over the world. The New Zealand Curriculum specifically requires schools like Tangaroa to make the internet available to students as part of their learning experience.

The role of teachers is changing from being an expert on a subject to being a guide that shows students how to solve problems by using the wealth of information at their fingertips. At Tangaroa College, teachers use the Google Classroom software to manage and send out information to students, to monitor their progress and provide feedback, and to set up research activities and group work.