Welcome to Tangaroa College
Welcome to Tangaroa College
At Tangaroa College we are committed to nurture in each student a belief in self, a commitment to achieve, and the spirit of aroha.
Whether by small steps or giant leaps, our students are encouraged to take pride in their achievements. By recognising and celebrating each success, students build self-esteem and gain the confidence to strive for bigger and better goals.
Term Dates
TERM 1: Wed 29 Jan – Fri 11 Apr
TERM 2: Mon 28 Apr – Fri 27 Jun
TERM 3: Mon 14 Jul – Fri 19 Sept
TERM 4: Mon 6 Oct – Fri 6 Dec*
News & Notices
26 January 2024 Tena koutou katoa e te whanau A warm welcome to all our students and whanau to Tangaroa College. A special welcome especially to all our new students and their whanau, and to our new staff. We are excited for the year ahead and as a college we look forward to […]2024 Stationery Lists
Check out a list of our Stationery requirements for 2024. https://www.tangaroa.school.nz/…/01/TC-Stationery-2024.pdfOur Vision
At Tangaroa College we excel in education through: innovative learning, a tradition of caring, and partnerships
Academic Information
Tangaroa College offers students a varied curriulum in the following learning areas: Arts, Commerce, Information Technology, Langauges, Technology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Education and Health, English, Sport and Recreation, and Career Skills.
The curriculum provides life and career skills preparation for all students covering – academic courses, work skills programmes, sport and physical activity, and cultural and social learning.
The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is the official secondary school qualification in New Zealand.
In Year 9 students learn from a compulsory core curriculum. From Year 10 onwards they can select a certain number of optional subjects in addition to core subjects up to Year 13 where the student is free to choose all their subjects.
Optional courses allow students to follow their individual interests and strengths, and tailor their learning towards their future career paths of choice.