Moving into Level 4.

Dear Parents and families,

You will most likely be aware of the recent government announcement that New Zealand will move from Alert Level 1 to Alert Level 4, starting at 11.59pm tonight, for a minimum of three days, likely to be for seven days for Auckland and Coromandel.

We’ve been at Level 4 before and here are some key points for our Tangaroa College community.

To enable members of our community to prepare for the transition from school to online, we will commence online learning from Thursday 19th August, students will be able to access their google classrooms. Please note for Wednesday your child will have time to organise their learning but most importantly look after their well being.

All students have access to their Google classroom and Education Perfect and teachers and deans will make contact with your child via email.

Finally, we are acutely aware that lockdowns can be a stressful time for some families. We will be sending out a Pastoral Care update tomorrow to emphasise key support links for your child and practical advice for families during Alert Level 4.

I will continue to update you all as further information comes to hand.

Please be safe and take care. If there are any families that need extra support and help during this time please email me.

Davida Suasua